Home Directory South Gloucestershire Frome Valley Growing Project

Frome Valley Growing Project

Frome Valley Growing Project

We grow food, care for community and increase local biodiversity using permaculture growing methods. Volunteer sessions are for people looking to learn more about food growing, get involved in practical activities and also to become a valued part of our thriving community. Wednesdays 12-4pm and first Sunday of each month 10-2pm. Join anytime.

Frome Valley and One Planet Matters courses:

Children in Permaculture – a Permaculture for Kids course suitable for children (and their grown ups!!) aged 4-13 years old. For children who are Electively Home Educated or Flexi Schooled and their families in and around Bristol! Fridays 1-3pm term time only. Starting on 28 February and ending on 18 July 2025. (No sessions on 11 April, 18 April and 30 May.) Join anytime.

50+ Gardening and Wellbeing in Nature Group – weekly drop in gardening session for people aged 50+ Activities include: mindfulness practices, Celtic wheel of the year celebrations, growing food to promote biodiversity, no-dig gardening methods to improve soil health, saving and using local seed and identifying native plants, trees and animals. Thursdays 10.30am-1.30pm. Starting on 6 March and ending on 30 October 2025. Join anytime.