Exploring the intersection of Hip-Hop, environmentalism, and community through performance, discussion, and creativity.
Brought to you by May Project Gardens and Bristol Libraries, we have an innovative and inspiring event which offers an opportunity to learn how Hip-Hop and creativity can support positive changes for our communities and for nature.
Line up:
– Library Book Exploration: A chance to explore books by Black authors and authors with Global Majority heritage on environmentalism, sustainability, and nature.
– Hip-Hop Garden taster session: Workshop led by KMT and MoYah on writing raps or poems inspired by nature and environmentalism.
– Environmental Discussion: We will be focusing on environmental justice, permculture prinicipals and how hip-hop culture can inspire sustainable change.
– Performances: Live performances MoYah, KMT, local artists and participants.
Get your free ticket now! Any questions or accessibility requirements please email Bristol Libraries at library.ideas@bristol.gov.uk
When and Where? Thursday 20th March 1-4pm at St Paul’s Learning Centre, 94 Grosvenor Road, St Paul’s, Bristol, BS2 8XJ.
Funded by the Culture Nature program from Natural England and Libraries Connected.